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David McCutcheon
Long Term Business Mentor with over 9 years experience. Been involved with Bush Fire recoveries, Dairy Industry down turn and recovery, Business Excellence Awards -Geelong and Portland. Covid recoveries and support of recent times.
A career business banker who has worked with small and medium businesses and not for profit community organisations in a number of Australia's leading banks, David’s specialist business banking knowledge, skills and experience can assist owners and operators understand how to successfully capitalise on a good idea, deliver a product or service better than its competitors, or attract new customers at home or overseas; how to develop business, sales and marketing strategies and plans to best position and promote the business; manage cash flow, make and receive payments; apply for funds for working capital and business expansion; plus, understand the many statutory and regulatory obligations involved in running any business.
- Finance-
- Management-
- Marketing-
- Sales-
- Construction-
- Financial and insurance services-
- Franchising-
- Manufacturing-
- Rental, hiring and real estate services-
- Retail trade-
- Wholesale trade-
- Tourism, hospitality, accommodation and food services-
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and rural-
Spoken Languages:
State: Victoria
Primary Locations:
- Geelong-
- Surfcoast-
Locations by request:
- Melbourne West-
- (Would prefer a Monday )
Mentoring available by:
- In Person, Face to Face in (Victoria) or by Phone and online
Current Occupation:
SBMS Mentor.
Detailed CV:
Working as a career business banker, David’s extensive knowledge, skills and experience helped many small and medium businesses to achieve their goals and build sound and profitable businesses. As a financial services specialist, David is results-oriented, with a commitment to customer satisfaction implementing procedures and practices to ensure that business is conducted with a view to customer service while enhancing profit margins and achieving growth targets. David has a proven record in problem solving and developing systems and procedures that add value. His in-depth understanding of the finance industry and well-developed listening and communication skills, both verbal and written, are ideal for mentoring businesses in how to get business funding sorted and which banks offer the best deals. David believes he has the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to help you start, then expand and grow your business to the next level.
- ANZ Diploma of Management
- Diploma of Business
- Certificate of Frontline Management