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Joseph D'Souza
With more than 30 years’ professional experience as a senior manager, management consultant, executive coach, facilitator and mentor to leaders and businesses, Joseph specialises in helping small business to succeed. He has a structured approach to validating, 'teasing out' potential and helping clients achieve clarity, awareness and accountability. He asks them: What is your business trying to achieve? What is the commercial context or market positioning of your business? What is your business strategy and how effective is it? What are your leadership and business entity's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats? What supportive business processes do you have in place? What resources are you leveraging? How are you measuring your business performance and what are your key deliverables?
- Management-
- Finance-
- Marketing-
- Sales-
- HR-
- Tourism, hospitality, accommodation and food services-
- Electricity, gas, water and waste services-
- Administrative and support services-
- Professional, scientific and technical services-
- Construction-
- Information media and telecommunications-
- Education and training-
- Retail trade-
- Health care and social assistance-
- Public administration inc. Government relationships-
- Manufacturing-
- Wholesale trade-
- Transport, postal and warehousing-
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and rural-
- Newsagency-
- Rental, hiring and real estate services-
- Mining-
- Arts and recreation services-
- Financial and insurance services-
Spoken Languages:
State: Victoria
Primary Locations:
- Yarra Valley-
Locations by request:
- (I am unavailable for the months of Oct to Dec 2022. I will however be attending all pre-arranged appointments including SBB and Shire clinics.)
Mentoring available by:
- In Person, Face to Face in (Victoria)
Current Occupation:
As an Executive Coach and mentor to corporate executives, professionals and small business owners, Joseph helps small businesses move forward. He reviews business direction and helps business owners achieve clarity and focus for success. He guides, coaches, mentors and shares tools, ideas and experience. Joseph helps business owners and their teams to improve performance, learning and development to achieve, fulfill, enjoy and take responsibility. His work offers a blueprint for sustainable and measurable continuous improvement. Joseph is mission-driven and goal oriented. He aims to deliver outcomes that are balanced, timely and on budget. Thoughtful, creative, researched and reference-able, Joseph is passionate about helping individuals become more fulfilled in their work and social life through enhanced understanding of their own natural potential and talents. These assets are ultimately about growth, fulfillment, teaming and partnering, improving relationships and getting the right people into organisations or groups to do the right things.
Detailed CV:
With more than 30 years’ professional experience, Joseph D’Souza offers business value in generating and delivering customer service excellence by helping clients improve both internal efficiencies and external effectiveness. He brings business partner relations, leadership and management acumen and business program leadership at both local and international levels. Joseph’s mastery of structured approaches within professional disciplines was gained in the context of direct experience, education, certifications and accreditations. He is a committed student of personal development, knowledge and strategic thinking.
Previous experience Australia
- IBM Australia Asia Pacific Strategic Alliance Partner Executive
- IBM Australia, Asia Pacific Solutions Sales Leader
- IBM Global Services Australia - Business Development Manager
- Lend Lease Employer Systems - Senior Business Manager/Client Services Executive
- ISSC Australia (Secondment) - Bid Management Team/Client Services Manager
- Independent Management Consultant - Principal Consultant.
United Kingdom
- IBM UK Limited - Management Consultant/International Client Manager
- Acoustics International Limited UK Ltd. Director
- Barrow and Brooks Limited UK (Dealer - Carlyle Corporation) Ltd. Director
- Heat-Frig Ltd UK (Dealer - Westinghouse Corporation) - National Services Manager
- Auriema Ltd UK (Division of Ad Auriema Inc. USA) - Sales Representative
- Consultant Adviser to: The Clear Picture Co, UK.
- Deputy Chairman of Community Arts Network, Western Australia
- Consultant Adviser to: PerthITeC, WA
- Fremantle Education Centre, WA
- Fremantle SkillShare, WA
Now an Executive Coach, Joseph is passionate about helping individuals become more fulfilled in their work and social life through enhanced understanding of their own natural potential and talents. These assets are ultimately about growth, fulfilment, leadership, teaming and partnering, improving relationships and getting the right people into organisations or groups, to do the right things utilising their signature and supporting strengths.
Joseph has a reputation for thought leadership, relationship management and as a builder of solutions for business including management of strategic alliances, high-level facilitation and negotiations. His leadership qualities include sound business acumen, vision, perceptive and intuitive decision-making, and creative capacity. He is also an experienced negotiator in business opportunity, trouble shooting, program and project execution and team facilitation. As well as running his own executive coaching, mentoring and consulting business Joseph is involved with:
· The Birchman Group - Associate Consultant, Executive Coach, Current
· The 3eFactor - Trusted Advisor, Executive Coach & Facilitator Current
· RocheMartin - Associate Senior Consultant and Executive Coach Current
· Red Pill Performance Consultants - Associate Executive Coach Current
Joseph’s guiding philosophies are co-operation, partnership and consultation. He is mission-drive and goal-oriented, aiming for outcomes that are balanced, timely and on budget. He is thoughtful, creative and well-researched. His values include respect for the individual as a human being, respect for the individual’s life journey to where they are now, respect for the individual’s potential, integrity, personal growth, contribution, learning, language, courage peace, the pursuit of excellence, openness and beyond one-sidedness, emotional and spiritual intelligence. “We life in a global village of borderless knowledge and wisdom exchange,” he says.
At home, Joseph enjoys do-it-yourself projects, photography, golf, travel, gardening, writing, arts, world religions, social anthropology, philosophy and ageless wisdom traditions.
- MBA/MLM (University of Western Australia and Curtin)
- B.A (Arts) 1st Class Joint Honours (University of Manchester UK)
- B.A. Marketing (Merton Technology College, London by Institute of Marketing UK)
- MBTI Step I and II (personality profiling) qualified and accredited
- DISC Qualified and Accredited (Behavioural instrument)
- Bar-on EQ-I and EQ-360 qualified and accredited (emotional intelligence)
- Numerous industry and professional, management, consulting, leadership courses.
- Institute of Executive Coaching, certified
- International Coaching Federation member
- Trained in resilience and wellness for organisational programs