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Free Resources
A comprehensive online library designed for small businesses to help start, run and grow.

Business Planning Tools
Planning your business is an important responsibility. The main tool is a template for writing a Business Plan which also includes a marketing plan. There is a separate version for Start Up and Ongoing businesses. Another tool deals with Succession Planning

Financial Tools
Interactive spreadsheet templates for budgetting, cash flow, costings and many other applications. The 3 major templates come with financial guidelines plus an Excel Help function for those who might find it useful.

Marketing & Sales Tools
Includes a template for writing a Marketing Plan. Alternatively, see the Business Planning Tool, above, which incorporates a marketing plan. Also notes on how to sell your product to retailers.

Manufacturing Tools
Checklists to help you with manufacturing and purchasing issues and notes on optimising stock control.

I.T. Tools
Excellent self help guides on how to use Word, Excel and Outlook Express. Checklists for an overall review of a business's I.T. Notes on website development.

Industry Specific Tools
Limited information on specific industry topics

Miscellaneous resources

GST and Tax E-Books
GST and Tax E-Books


Succession Planning

Export / Import

Home based businesses



Human Resources

Governance / Boards